Last updated: December 2021


JobsBobs is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use your personal data (as further defined) in the context of operating our business activities via our website and affiliates accessible at (the «Website») and which rights and options you have in this respect. Please also refer to our Cookie Notice, which explains the use of cookies and other web tracking devices via our website. We collect personal data about you, in your capacity as a visitor of our website, a user of our JobsBobs platform, a job seeker or a recruiter/employer.

Who is responsible for your personal data?

JobsBobs, which maintains the Website and the JobinNetwork platform, is responsible for your personal data in its capacity as a data controller. JobsBobs is registered under company number BE 0876 943 950 and headquartered at Avenue Louise 240, 1050 Brussels, Belgium (“JobsBobs”, «we», «us», and «ours»). ur capacity as a visitor of our website, a user of our JobsBobs platform, a job seeker or a recruiter/employer.

Which personal data do we collect?

For the purpose of this privacy policy, «personal data» is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

The categories of personal data we collect and further process in accordance with this privacy policy include:

  • Contact and identification information: name, postal address, including your home address, where you have provided this to us, business address, telephone number, mobile phone number, and email address.
  • Financial and business information: information necessarily processed in a project or client contractual relationship with JobsinNetwork or voluntarily provided by you, such as instructions given, payments made, requests, and all data related to projects, resources, initiatives, trainings, that users are able to add on the platform or the Website.
  • Profession and job-related information: employment details, stakeholder group you consider yourself part of, employer, job title, bios, career, logos, photos and public actions and preferences processed over the website.
  • Authentication information: your password and other account details for JobsinNetwork, where you have such account;
  • Electronic identification data: IP addresses, device identifier, cookie data;
  • Usage data: information related to how you use our Website or the JobsinNetwork platform and your preferences.

How do we collect your personal data?

We may collect personal data directly from you in a number of circumstances:

  • When you use or contact us in the context of any of our services in connection of job posting and registration;
  • When you browse, make an inquiry, or otherwise interact with our Website;
  • When you sign up to receive communications from us, including job alerts;
  • When you or your company offer to provide, or provide services to us.

In some circumstances, we may do rely on service provider to enrich some of the data you have provided to us.

Are you required to provide personal data?

There are certain circumstances in which JobsinNetwork cannot take action without certain of your personal data, for example, because this personal data is required to process your instructions or orders or to enter into a contract, provide you with access to a web offering or to carry out a legally required compliance screening. In these cases, it will unfortunately not be possible for us to provide you with what you request without the relevant personal data and we will notify you accordingly. At the time when we obtain your personal data, we will indicate to you whether you are obliged to provide certain personal data. Other personal data that is not mandatory may be provided by you voluntarily and if you do not wish to give such optional personal data, this will not have any detrimental effects on you.

With whom will we share your personal data?

  • We share your personal data between JobsinNetwork entities on a confidential basis where required for the purpose of providing services and for administrative and other business purposes. We take precautions to allow access to personal data only to those staff members who have a legitimate business need for access and with a contractual prohibition of using the personal data for any other purpose.
  • If we have collected your personal data in the course of providing services to any of our partners, we may disclose it to that stakeholder, and where permitted by law to others for the purpose of providing those services;
  • We share your personal data with companies providing services for money laundering checks, credit risk reduction and other fraud and crime prevention purposes and companies providing similar services, including financial institutions, credit reference agencies, and regulatory bodies with whom such personal data is shared, if permitted by applicable law;
  • We share your personal data with any third party to whom we assign or novate any of our rights or obligations;
  • We share your personal data with courts, law enforcement authorities, regulators or attorneys or other parties where it is reasonably necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal or equitable claim;
  • We also instruct service providers within or outside of JobsinNetwork, domestically or abroad to process personal data for the Permitted Purposes on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions only. These service providers provide us with support in areas such as IT platform management or support services, infrastructure and application services, marketing and data analytics. JobsinNetwork will retain control over and will remain fully responsible for your personal data and will use appropriate safeguards as required by the applicable law to ensure the integrity and security of your personal data when engaging such service providers;
  • We also use aggregated personal data and statistics for the purpose of monitoring the Website usage in order to help us develop our Website and services.
  • We may share to a potential buyer (and its agents and advisers) in connection with any proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we inform the buyer it must use your personal data only for the purposes disclosed in this Policy.
  • We may share your personal data to any other person if you have provided your prior consent to the disclosure.

Otherwise, we will only disclose your personal data when you direct us or give us permission, when we are required by applicable law or regulations or judicial or official request to do so, or as required to investigate actual or suspected fraudulent or criminal activities.

Personal data about other people which you provide to us

If you provide personal data to us about someone else, you must ensure that you are entitled to disclose that personal data to us and you comply with your own obligations under the applicable data protection laws. We will not be responsible for your compliance with such applicable data protection laws.

Keeping personal data about you secure

We will take appropriate technical and organisational measures to keep your personal data confidential and secure in accordance with our internal procedures covering the storage, disclosure of, and access to personal data. Personal data may be kept on our personal systems, those of our contractors, or in paper files.

Transferring your personal data abroad outside the European Economic Area

JobsinNetwork spreads activities worldwide, we may therefore transfer your personal data abroad if required for the Permitted Purposes as described above. This may include countries that do not provide the same level of protection as the laws of your home country. Specifically, our servers are located in DE, and our JobsinNetwork entities and third-party service providers and partners operate in DE, UK and US.

We will ensure that any such international transfers are made subject to appropriate safeguards as required by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and other relevant laws. This may include entering into the EU Standard Contractual Clauses or any other appropriate safeguard as permitted by the GDPR. As necessary, we will implement additional safeguards to comply with our legal obligations under the applicable data protection law. You may contact us anytime using the contact details below if you would like further information on such safeguards. We will also require our consultants and subcontractors and others who are outside the European Economic Area and to whom we transfer your personal data to ensure a similar level of data protection. When doing so we will comply with applicable data protection requirements and take appropriate safeguards to ensure the security and integrity of your personal data.

Updating personal data about you

If any of the personal data that you have provided to us changes, for example, if you change your email address or if you wish to cancel any request you have made to us, or if you become aware we have any inaccurate personal data about you, please amend it on your personal account or let us know by sending an email to We will not be responsible for any losses arising from any inaccurate, inauthentic, deficient, or incomplete personal data that you provide to us.

For how long do we retain your personal data?

Your personal data will be deleted when it is no longer reasonably required for the Permitted Purposes for which we initially collected your personal data and when we are not legally required or otherwise permitted to continue storing such data. We will, in particular, retain your personal data where required for JobsinNetwork to assert or defend against legal claims until the end of the relevant statute of limitation or until the claims in question have been settled.

Your rights

  • You can exercise your right of access (which includes the possibility to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you),
  • You have the right to have any inaccurate or outdated personal data corrected (right to rectification)
  • Subject to certain legal conditions, you have the right to object to or restrict our use of your personal data or have your personal data deleted (rights to object, to limit data processing and right to erasure).
  • You have the right to opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time. You can exercise this right by clicking on the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing e-mails we send you.· In addition, you may also, in certain circumstances, request the portability of your personal data, which means that you can receive personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and have the right to have those data transmitted to another controller.
  • You may also make a complaint if you have a concern about our handling of your personal data to the relevant supervisory authority. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority (contact details for data protection authorities in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and certain non-European countries are available here).
  • If you wish to do any of the above please send an email to We may request that you prove your identity by appropriate means in order for us to comply with our security obligations and to prevent unauthorized disclosure of data.
  • We reserve the right to charge you a reasonable administrative fee for any manifestly unfounded or excessive requests concerning your access to your data, and for any additional copies of the personal data, you request from us. We will consider any requests or complaints which we receive and provide you with a response in a timely manner.
  • If you are not satisfied with our response, you may take your complaint to the relevant privacy regulator.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated in the date appearing at the top of this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to update and change this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reflect any changes to the way in which we process your personal data or changing legal requirements. When we update our Privacy Policy, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make. We will obtain your consent to any material changes if and where this is required by applicable data protection laws. The changes will take effect as soon as they are posted on this website.

How to get in touch with JobsinNetwork?

We welcome your views about our Website, the JobsBobs platform, and our Privacy Policy. If you would like to contact us with any queries or comments, please send an email to or send a letter to GDPR,JobsBobs– Avenue Louise, 240 – 1050 Brussels — Belgium.



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